Project risk management. Do risky tasks first

Playing risk for project management
Image by Tambako The Jaguar

Projects are by definition a risky thing. Risk means that it might take longer, they do not meet their goals or will be more expensive than expected. This blog post will describe a simple but effective way of managing and reducing risks.

Especially projects in the IT world are likely to fail. In the last 20 years around 20%-30% of projects failed without delivering any value. Further 30% were challenged meaning they overrun budget or time.


Predictive analytics for project management

According to the CHAOS-Report around 70% of IT projects are challenged or completely failing. In the last 10 years these number did not change a lot. It is still the case that around 70% of IT projects fail. This blog post will show you some techniques to control your project and make sure that it is completed in time and in budget.

Gant chart Inna Pommeranz  /
