Workforce organzation and management for real world teams outside of IT

In the IT world we have a lot of systems to organize our daily business. Process models tell us how to do our work but what about models for outside IT? How should for example an accountant office organize their workforce and their tasks?
This blog post will introduce a queue based model that emphasizes on process throughput and process enhancements for knowledge workers. It is inspired by Kanban.

Workforce management with queues


The most important software piece the domain model

This blog post will elaborate on the most important part of a good software system: the domain model. As everybody knows business software is for IT alignment making sure that the organizational processes are optimally supported by a system. This can only be done if the data in the system is correct and represents the domain objects in a good way.

Survey entities perspective


Don’t be inefficient by accident 5 productivity tools you should use

This blog post will explain some tools that me and my team at Incentergy are applying for exceptional productivity. Most of them are not specific for IT and can be used for a lot of situations in life.

more efficiency during your working time


Predictive analytics for project management

According to the CHAOS-Report around 70% of IT projects are challenged or completely failing. In the last 10 years these number did not change a lot. It is still the case that around 70% of IT projects fail. This blog post will show you some techniques to control your project and make sure that it is completed in time and in budget.

Gant chart Inna Pommeranz  /


Thoughts about project management + 3 myths busted

In the past I managed a lot of projects in ecommerce. Most of the time it was about building or optimizing online shops. This blog post summarizes some of the techniques that I am using for making it possible to deliver the requested quality on time and on budget.

Further I will bust some myths and explain how you should behave.

Team thumbs up for project


How to do lean marketing

This blog post will explain how to apply lean methodologies to your current marketing process and how the incentergy platform is already applying these principles automatically.

Lean Marketing Cycle

I am currently reading the book “The Lean Start Up” by Eric Ries the former CTO of IMVU. He started a new methodology with a lot of methods to embrace innovative product development in uncertainty. We already discussed why you should establish a culture of uncertainty. Now lets see how you can use the methods in marketing.
