Next generation software cost estimation based on BPMN (2.0) and Function Point Analysis (CPM 4.3.1)

Problem You are a product manager (scrum term: product owner) for a software and you have to decide based on effort and business value which feature to implement next. This blog post will ellaborate on a highly sophisticaded solution for the problem of effort estimation. Standards When using scrum the user requirements are captured as Read more about Next generation software cost estimation based on BPMN (2.0) and Function Point Analysis (CPM 4.3.1)[…]

The most important software piece the domain model

This blog post will elaborate on the most important part of a good software system: the domain model. As everybody knows business software is for IT alignment making sure that the organizational processes are optimally supported by a system. This can only be done if the data in the system is correct and represents the domain objects in a good way.

Survey entities perspective
