Programmatic buying in the ads industry

Some weeks ago I was in cologne on the dmexco and the current trend in the online marketing industry is programmatic buying. This blog post will explain how to use it and how to optimize it.



How to do lean marketing

This blog post will explain how to apply lean methodologies to your current marketing process and how the incentergy platform is already applying these principles automatically.

Lean Marketing Cycle

I am currently reading the book “The Lean Start Up” by Eric Ries the former CTO of IMVU. He started a new methodology with a lot of methods to embrace innovative product development in uncertainty. We already discussed why you should establish a culture of uncertainty. Now lets see how you can use the methods in marketing.


Metrics in the online marketing business – CPC, CPM, CPO, CAC, CLV

Chats and money for KPIsWhen you start with online business you will read a lot about 3 letter abbreviations like CPC, CPM, CPO, CACCLV etc.
This blog post will give an overview about the most important abbreviations, explain what they measure, and how to influence them.


The online marketing process

Web online marketing endless possibiliies

Online marketing compared to offline marketing is one of the newer process sets in economics. Everybody has to learn new things quickly and the possibilities are growing every week. Some old ways are not successful anymore and the strategy has to be adapted. This blog post will give a short overview about the process of how to adapt to these new challenges and how to be able to do professional circular controlling.


Optimal Marketing Budget Allocation with Non Linear Solving

How to get the biggest bang for your bugs

In this blog post we will consider that you are already running around 10,000 campaigns across 5 different channels and you know which of these are running well and producing a lot of profit and which of these are running poor. At every beginning of the month you have to assign 100,000 € to the best running campaigns to get the most revenue.


How to do optimal marketing budget allocation?

In this blog post we will show an example of the methods that the incentergy platform applies to do mathematically proven optimal decisions for online marketing budget allocations. The system must make some assumptions about how the revenue which was generated by the marketing channel. Under these assumptions the shown behavior is optimal. This means that there is no way to spend less money to win this explore-exploit-dilemma.

Also read: Optimal Marketing Budget Allocation with Non Linear Solving
