Visualizing farmland property prices in germany based on 2016 sales with

In this blog post I will tell a small data story about farmland prices based on data of 2016. The data is mainly given by Statisches Bundesamt and Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe and the visualizations are made with the awesome open source library created by Shan He and her data visualization team at Uber.


PostGIS 2.3 parallel performance 2 times faster on PostgreSQL 9.6 on a real live example

This blog post will show an example for the parallel query processing capabilities from PostGIS 2.3 running on PostgeSQL 9.6. It is based on the project Lebensriskoexplorer. The data that Read more about PostGIS 2.3 parallel performance 2 times faster on PostgreSQL 9.6 on a real live example[…]

Predictive analytics for project management

According to the CHAOS-Report around 70% of IT projects are challenged or completely failing. In the last 10 years these number did not change a lot. It is still the case that around 70% of IT projects fail. This blog post will show you some techniques to control your project and make sure that it is completed in time and in budget.

Gant chart Inna Pommeranz  /


Programmatic buying in the ads industry

Some weeks ago I was in cologne on the dmexco and the current trend in the online marketing industry is programmatic buying. This blog post will explain how to use it and how to optimize it.



Optimal Marketing Budget Allocation with Non Linear Solving

How to get the biggest bang for your bugs

In this blog post we will consider that you are already running around 10,000 campaigns across 5 different channels and you know which of these are running well and producing a lot of profit and which of these are running poor. At every beginning of the month you have to assign 100,000 € to the best running campaigns to get the most revenue.


How to do optimal marketing budget allocation?

In this blog post we will show an example of the methods that the incentergy platform applies to do mathematically proven optimal decisions for online marketing budget allocations. The system must make some assumptions about how the revenue which was generated by the marketing channel. Under these assumptions the shown behavior is optimal. This means that there is no way to spend less money to win this explore-exploit-dilemma.

Also read: Optimal Marketing Budget Allocation with Non Linear Solving


Do you have big data and use it in an actable way?

In the past 5 years big data was one of the most often used buzz words for marketing and sales but not a lot of people said specifically what big data is and what you can do with it. This blog post will explain from where you get big data and how you should manage it to get knowledge.
Technology in the hands of businessmen